Patriot Plus PAT-8533 Port

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Patriot Plus PAT-8533 Port

This brand of vinyl has been a staple at Bailey’s since nearly the beginning, due to its durability, dependability, and its fantastic outcomes. Patriot is a go-to for medical offices, salons, and all hosipitality applications as it can be cleaned with a bleach and water mixture. Patriot also does great in vehicles and boats! 54″ width


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Product Description

This brand of vinyl has been a staple at Bailey’s since nearly the beginning, due to its durability, dependability, and its fantastic outcomes. Patriot is a go-to for medical offices, salons, and all hosipitality applications as it can be cleaned with a bleach and water mixture. Patriot also does great in vehicles and boats! 54″ width

The Basics

  • Avoid placing furniture in direct sunlight
  • Avoid placing furniture near or over heating or air conditioning vents
  • Immediately blot up spills or moisture

Cushions and Cushion Covers

To extend the life of your covers and foam, rotate and vacuum cushions every week. Professional upholstery cleaning is recommended for cushions and cushion covers. For all cushions, the covers should be left on the foam for cleaning to preserve the cushion’s shape and size.

Spot Cleaning

The spot cleaning method of stain removal can be used for most light to medium stains.

  1. Before spot cleaning, blot up liquids on the surface with a clean, soft towel and brush off any loose dirt.
  2. Prepare a cleaning solution of 1/4 cup mild soap, such as Woolite® or Dawn® dishwashing liquid, per gallon of lukewarm water.
  3. Apply the cleaning solution using a misting spray bottle.
  4. Work the solution into the affected area by lightly scrubbing the area with a sponge or soft bristle brush. Make sure to work from the outside of the stain inward so as not to spread the stain and rinse your sponge or brush frequently.
  5. Allow cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.
  6. Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residues, as residues will attract dirt. Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 as needed.
  8. Allow fabric to air dry.

Vinyl and Re-cycled Leather Cleaning and Care

  • Do not use alcohol based cleaning agents.
  • Most vinyls can be easily cleaned with a soft clean cloth dampened with warm water. Rub gently. Depending on dampness of your cloth, you may want to wipe with a clean dry cloth.
  • For light soiling, remove excess spill with a damp cloth. Clean with a 1:1 mix of Ivory® liquid soap and water. Dab gently. Rinse with a water dampened cloth to remove any soap residue. Repeat if necessary.

Results may vary under actual conditions. This information is not a guarantee and does not relieve the user from the responsibility of the proper and safe use of the product and all cleaning agents. The use of certain agents can be harmful to the surface appearance and lifespan of fabrics and vinyl. Bailey’s Fabric & Supplies, Inc., its agents or assignees assume no responsibility resulting from the use of such cleaning agents to the vinyl.

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